Saturday, 15 February 2014

Location List... (filming in New York)

Here is a list of locations during the filming process in New York:

In order to achieve an 'abstract' approach to my music video I decided to use a range of different locations, so that in  the editing process I could edit them together using jump cuts from scene to scene, to give the impression that the video is constantly moving and flowing between each scene/location.  
I also chose to film things that I could put different effects on in the editing process in order to achieve the 'dream-like' effect I wanted my video to have, in order to create the sense of an alternate reality. So for example I filmed the iconic New York symbol the yellow taxi, and sped this up in the editing process. I also but an effect on all of the shots in the music video that gave it this 'dream-like' glow:

I also used a faded effect in certain parts of my music video to further reinforce the idea that this alternate reality is like a dream:

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