Thursday, 7 November 2013

Health and Safety Production Assessment (old song)

  1. In the lines "No hell below us, above us only sky" and "You may say I'm a dreamer...I hope someday you'll join us" I will be shooting near water on a bridge, therefore as a safety precaution I will make sure that when I shoot I will not place the main character too close to the edge of the water as this could be dangerous, and if I do need to shoot near the edge to ensure that where I film there is a barrier to prevent them falling or tripping over. 
  2. An extra safety precaution to take when shooting these scenes (as they will be at sunset/night) to ensure that my characters are not too tired or hungry when shooting as they may need a rest or need some food which could cause them to lose concentration throughout filming which could mean that it may take longer to make or have to be redone. 
  3. When filming the opening scene or the "Nothing to kill or die for..." scene, as it will be inside I may chose to use lights in order to make the quality of the picture higher. As these lights can get very warm when in use I will need to make sure that anyone that is around knows that these lights will be hot and to ensure that they do not touch them to try and move them as this could cause minor burns to them. The wires of the lights could also be a hazard for anyone around as someone could trip over them if they do not see them, therefore to prevent this I will make sure I tape down any wires to stop this tripping hazard and, if I need to (for example if it is quite a busy area where I am filming) place a 'Filming in Progress' sign where I am filming in order to warn people to look out for any props, lights or wires that may be in their way.

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